Orleron Sunstreamer replied to the topic AvlisMUD Development Updates in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 11 months ago
* Old mines area completed Phase 1 (rooms layout) and Phase 2 (mobs layout), pending phase 3 which is items/placeables
* Fixed bug in nixie village quest that lets someone do the quest over and over -
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic City of Crosstreams MUD Map in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
Those who want to get a good picture of what Crosstreams looks like in the mud, here you go:
That echoes the map of the city here:
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic AvlisMUD Development Roadmap in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
This is a representative outline of AvlisMUD. The circled areas (Crosstreams and Irsenkline Hills) are nearly done or in progress. The other areas will develop later.
Each area goes through a layered development:
1) Room layout/connections
2) Mob layout
3) Items and placeables layout
4) Quest layout
5) Refining phase
6) Flavor text
7) Usage…[
Orleron Sunstreamer replied to the topic AvlisMUD Development Updates in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
Most updates involve building areas and learning the existing CoffeeMud systems.
Today’s update:
* Completed Nixie Village area – an underwater adventure area!
* Began adding old mines area in Irsenkline Hills
* There are now places to mine metal in the game, including gold
* Added quest in Nixie Village (There are now 23 quests in the game.) -
Orleron Sunstreamer replied to the topic AvlisMUD Development Updates in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
First update post, so just accumulating all the initial stuff here without dates:
* Created a virtual Fedora linux box to run the mud!
* Installed CoffeeMud codebase and MySQL database
* Got the Mud up and running! AvlisMUD was born! ~12/15/2020* Building area: City of Crosstreams
* Added in death planes where players go when they die
* Worked…[
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic Thank you for playing – Feedback appreciated in the forum Moon Warrior Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
Here’s a thread to give feedback and bug reports if you came by and played Moon Warrior. Thank you for your time! Hopefully you enjoyed it immensely!
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic Moon Warrior – What is it? in the forum Moon Warrior Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
In the old 1980’s single player RPG style, this game takes the player back in Avlis history to play as one of its greatest heroes: Myleah. As a young woman growing up in the female-dominated society of Jechran, Myleah finds cruelty and division among her people and with the diverse nearby populations. Follow her on her journey to unite the t…[Read more]
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic AvlisMUD What is it? in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
From the early 1980’s through the early 2000’s, hundreds of thousands of college students played multi-user dungeons (MUDs). These text-based games were the pre-cursors to the online MMORPGs that are so popular today. In the years prior to “graphical MUDs”, text was the only way to go. “Mudding” became the act of playing MUDs, and at least a gen…[Read more]
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic AvlisMUD Development Updates in the forum AvlisMUD Discussion and Development 2 years, 12 months ago
This thread is for AvlisMUD development updates. Look here to find out new rooms, areas, game mechanics, etc. that are being added to the game.
Orleron Sunstreamer changed their profile picture 10 years, 2 months ago
Orleron Sunstreamer posted an update 10 years, 2 months ago
Starting work on a new media for Avlis! Shards Online!
Orleron Sunstreamer started the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago
This is the first forum post to test.